Main characters are essential to every story.
It can also be the case that a character starts out highly developed, but the reader is not made aware of certain aspects of their development until later. It’s possible that a character starts out thoroughly developed, or it may be that the author chooses to slowly develop that character as the plot unfolds.
So, things like plants and non-living objects would not normally be considered characters, unless of course these things have been personified and brought to life.Ī character’s development speaks of the depth and complexity of a character. What is a literary character? A character is any animate figure within a story. In this video, we will take a look at the definition of a character (within literature), and then we will look at character development and the different types of characters. They make the story possible, and, the way in which the characters are built, can help to bring the story to life. Hey, guys! Welcome to this Mometrix video on characters in literature.Ĭharacters are an essential part to any literary work.